35,00 MDL

PHYTOSIL Cold Rab is a natural ointment that helps eliminate headache, sore throat and body pain, fever, cough, colds, nasal congestion and various breathing problems.

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1 g ointment contains:

Gaultheria fragrantissima 15%, Pinus longifolia 5%, Mentha piperita 5%, Eucalyptus globulus 2%, Cinnamomum comphor 2%, Myristica frangrans 1%, Trachyspermum ammi 1%, base for ointment.


Gaultheria fragrantissima: has a stimulating effect, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

Pinus longifolia: widely used in many outdoor drugs, this plant is used as an adjuvant (contributing) for the treatment of pain and colds.

Mentha piperita: also known as mint, has painkillers, astringent, decongestant and anti-irritating properties. The plant is used to relieve cold and congestion; provides instant relief for headaches and nasal congestion.

Eucalyptus globous: widely used as a massage oil and dry inhaler. Eucalyptus oil has properties to amphorae-like properties traditionally used to relieve and relieve muscle pain, treat headache symptoms, fever, cough and colds, respiratory congestion and various breathing problems.

Coric kamfor:has anti-inflammatory, fights the cause of skin hyperemia, antimicrobial properties and is used for colds, congestion, headaches and body pain.

Muscat is fragrant: tree oil extract has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-irritating properties. It is mainly used to relieve pain and stimulate blood flow in the application area.

Iowan is fragrant: it has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, so that oil helps to relieve excess discharge from the nose with colds.


PHYTOSIL Cold Rab is a natural ointment that helps eliminate headache, sore throat and body pain, fever, cough, colds, nasal congestion and various breathing problems.

Doses and method of administration:

Externally:the ointment is applied to the area of the nose, neck, chest and back. It is easily rubbed until the ointment is fully absorbed and covered with a dry, warm cloth. Repeated at bedtime or as needed.

Inhaler: To quickly improve the elimination of nasal and respiratory tract congestion, 2 teaspoons of ointment tea are dissolved in boiling water and inhaled. Inhalations can be repeated twice a day. Reheating or inhaling is not allowed.

Только для внешнего использования:

Мазь не наносится на пораженные участки кожи.

Избегайте препарата в глаза, слизистой оболочки носа или рта.

В случае постоянной лихорадки, а также у детей в возрасте до 2 лет, необходимо проконсультироваться с врачом.

В случае вдыхания, строго запрещено прямо или косвенно нагревать воду с растворенной мазью с использованием печи или микроволновой печи для этой цели. Невыполнение этого требования может привести к ожогам лица и тела от горячего продукта.

ФИТОСИЛ Колд Раб  можно использовать только в течение 5-7 дней.

Если симптомы простуды не исчезают в течение 7 дней, обратитесь к врачу.

Дети будут выполнять ингаляции только под наблюдением взрослых, во избежание ожогов.

Применение мази во время беременности и кормления грудью возможно только по рекомендации врача.


25 мг в флаконе и флакон в картонной коробке.

Условия хранение:

Хранить в сухом, защищенном от света месте, при температуре не выше 30°C.

Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.

Срок годности:

3 года от даты производства. Не применять по истечении срока годности.


Hecure Herbs Pvt. Ltd.,

Plot No.20, HSIDC, Kundli, Sonepat (Haryana), India.

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